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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Bible doesn't say

In a maelstrom of otherwise incomprehensible verbiage, a note of sanity emerges. Here is my number one pick of the day. Doug writes, The Bible doesn't say. Words to heal the wounded soul.
In memory of a long forgotten meme, I would like to mention some spoof posts - only these are not spoofs. Let's laugh, cry and share some fellow feeling.

Gone with the wind pulls a post. Absolutely unheard of but in a good cause.

Bard and Bible recommends an illustrated abridged paraphrase edition of Shakespeare for my reading pleasure (in the comment section.)

Dave posts a picture of him and his Mom. Condolences, Dave, and what a great picture.

TC and Rick both make a statement of affirmation for the TNIV

Some serious study says "I think. I've confused myself." Wow, do I ever know what that feels like. Great conclusion, 'cause I so identify. Anyway, I love this blog.

And in a new development, the term "ESV-onlyism" is gaining currency. Several bloggers have also weighed in on the term "essentially literal" so we should do a tour on this. And then my next post is going to be on a verse that the ESV does right.

It all started at Tim Challies. Several bloggers responded. El Shaddai, TC, and CD-host. In the process of reading these posts I thought I would track down the phrase "ESV-onlyism." This is a neutral study, BTW.
    "I am an ESV-onlyist right now, but most of the scripture tucked in my memory is in King James English." Oct. 17, 2007

    Show me where God told me ESVOnlyism is wrong. March 11, 2008

    "In some gatherings there seems to be a ESV-onlyism developing. Anyone else notice that?" April 11, 2008

    "Yes, I’m the only ESV-onlyist I know LOL. Seriously, it is a cool translation." April 16, 08

    I've got a big beef. In fact I'm starting to put together materials for a series on my blog "ESV-onlyism". June 13, 2008

    Do I see ESV-onlyism on the horizon? June 24, 2008
I don't think this is really about the ESV, but about our attitudes to Bible translation, in general, and "onlyism" in particular. For example, I got quite a shock out of this verse the other day,
    Obeie ye to youre souereyns, and be ye suget to hem; Wycliff

    Obeye the that have the oversight of you and submit youre selves to them. Tyndale

    Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves. KJV

    Obey your prelates and be subject to them. D-R

    Obey your leaders and submit to them, ESV

    Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. NIV

    Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority. TNIV

    Gehorcht euren Lehrern und folgt ihnen

    (Listen to your teachers and follow them,) Did I somehow forget how to read German! Is that really what it says? Somebody?

    Be yielding unto them who are guiding you, and submit yourselves Rotherham
So are the words "obey" "rulers" and "authority" in the Greek? Weeeeel, not really. Rotherham is pretty accurate. Don't be an "onlyist," whatever you do. That is more important than which translation you choose.


At Wed Jul 09, 10:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue, thanks for this piece. The translations wars are heating up again. Thanks to the ESV crowd. Mr. Tim Challies has them rallying again.

ESV-onlyism must now be added to our vocabulary when dealing with these issues. I still believe the ESV has some good qualities, despite its misinformed followers.


At Wed Jul 09, 11:06:00 PM, Blogger Suzanne McCarthy said...

I am going to pretty much sit back and watch this time around. I am a bit surprised at some of the rhetoric, I have to admit.

At Thu Jul 10, 03:03:00 AM, Blogger Peter Kirk said...

"Gone with the wind pulls a post."

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a d**n." ;-)

At Thu Jul 10, 08:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter Kirk,

That was funny.

At Thu Jul 10, 07:44:00 PM, Blogger Suzanne McCarthy said...

Dana comments,

Luther would have used "gehorchen" to mean "obey". It's rather archaic, but still in use, with current nuances of "listen to reason" or "listen intently" or "listen with the understanding that action is required as a result of what you're hearing". It's related to the English "hearken".

Thanks, Dana, that makes sense. I was still surprised to find Lehrer.

At Fri Jul 11, 06:01:00 AM, Blogger Nathan said...

Some serious study says "I think. I've confused myself." Wow, do I ever know what that feels like. Great conclusion, 'cause I so identify. Anyway, I love this blog.

Thanks! Truth is, it happens more often than I admit :)


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